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Energy Acronym : Mech 'n' Legs


Day 1: Energy


Starter Questions:






Energy! Its some thing that we use every day. What we don't some times realize is how many type of energy there are. Today we looked at all of the types of energy, what causes them and if it is a stored energy or a moving energy.  

Day 2: Energy Transfer


Starter Questions:


1. Name the Energy Acronym

2. List the 9 forms of energy


Energy Transfer.pptx


Our world is made up of energy and the only way we get useable energy is if it transfers. Which all energy does. All energy is also conserved and it can't be created or destroyed. 

Day 3: Energy Transfer Lab


Starter Questions:


Day 3 Quiz


Today we worked on a lab that deminstrated the ideas of Gravitational Potential energy and Gravitational Kenetic energy. We looked at the variables that affect each type of energy and how it affects the marble's motion. 

Day 4: Heat Transfer


Starter Questions:


1. What variables are connected with Gravitational Potential Energy?


2. Find the Energy Transfer

    Sun -> What it gives off-> Rain clouds form -> Thunderstorm -> lightening strike-> Brush Fire

_______ -> ________ & _______-> ______->______->________-> ________&________


Heat Transfer.pptx


Heat is the most common bi-product from energy transfered. But how is that energy givin off? The three ways that this occurs is with Conduction, Convection and radiation. Convection is transfered heat through touching. Convection is heat transfered through the air. Radiation is the transfered through the vibrations of particals. 

Day 5: Heat Transfer Labs


Starter Questions: 


Day 5 Quiz (written in packet as starters)

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